API Reference#


A utility for compiling ‘.proto’ files to Python source.

class ansys.tools.protoc_helper.BuildPyCommand(dist, **kw)#

Command to compile .proto files while building the package wheel.

Override for the build_py command which adds compilation of .proto files to Python source.

class ansys.tools.protoc_helper.DevelopCommand(dist, **kw)#

Command to compile .proto files during editable installs.

Override for the develop command which adds compilation of .proto files to Python source.

ansys.tools.protoc_helper.compile_proto_files(target_package: str) None#

Compile .proto files in a package to Python source.

Creates Python files and .pyi type stubs from the .proto files in the target_package. Proto files from all installed packages defining the ansys.tools.protoc_helper.proto_provider entry point are included as possible dependencies.


Path of the package whose .proto files should be compiled.