
Package logging

import "github.com/ansys/allie-sharedtypes/pkg/logging"

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func InitLogger(GlobalConfig *config.Config)
func entryCallerToString(ec zapcore.EntryCaller) string
func initLoggerConfig(config Config)
func levelToString(level zapcore.Level) string
func mapsToJSONBytes(maps []map[string]interface{}) ([]byte, error)
func sendLogs(ctx *ContextMap, level zapcore.Level, time time.Time, message string, caller zapcore.EntryCaller, stack string, function string, arguments ...interface{})
func sendMetrics(name string, count float64)
func sendPostRequestToDatadog(url string, requestBody []byte, apiKey string) (*http.Response, error)
func timeToString(t time.Time) string
func writeInterfaceToFile(filename string, data interface{}) error
func writeStringToFile(filename string, data string) error
type Config
type ContextKey
type ContextMap
    func (ctx *ContextMap) Copy() *ContextMap
    func (ctx *ContextMap) Get(key ContextKey) (interface{}, bool)
    func (ctx *ContextMap) Set(key ContextKey, value interface{})
type Metric
type Metrics
type Point
type Resource
type loggerWrapper
    func (logger *loggerWrapper) Debugf(ctx *ContextMap, format string, args ...interface{})
    func (logger *loggerWrapper) Error(ctx *ContextMap, args ...interface{})
    func (logger *loggerWrapper) Errorf(ctx *ContextMap, format string, args ...interface{})
    func (logger *loggerWrapper) Fatal(ctx *ContextMap, args ...interface{})
    func (logger *loggerWrapper) Fatalf(ctx *ContextMap, format string, args ...interface{})
    func (logger *loggerWrapper) Info(ctx *ContextMap, args ...interface{})
    func (logger *loggerWrapper) Infof(ctx *ContextMap, format string, args ...interface{})
    func (logger *loggerWrapper) Metrics(name string, count float64)
    func (logger *loggerWrapper) Warn(ctx *ContextMap, args ...interface{})
    func (logger *loggerWrapper) Warnf(ctx *ContextMap, format string, args ...interface{})

Package files

logging.go types.go


var DATADOG_API_KEY string
var DATADOG_STAGE string

Initialize config variables

var LOCAL_LOGS bool
var LOG_LEVEL string

func InitLogger

func InitLogger(GlobalConfig *config.Config)

InitLogger initializes the global logger.

The function creates a new zap logger with the specified configuration and sets the global logger variable to the new logger.


  • GlobalConfig: The global configuration from the config package.

func entryCallerToString

func entryCallerToString(ec zapcore.EntryCaller) string

entryCallerToString converts a zapcore.EntryCaller to a string representation.


  • ec: The zapcore.EntryCaller to be converted.


  • string: The string representation of the zapcore.EntryCaller.

func initLoggerConfig

func initLoggerConfig(config Config)

initLoggerConfig initializes the global configuration variables for the logging package.

The function sets the global configuration variables to the values specified in the provided Config struct.


  • config: The Config struct containing the configuration values to set.

func levelToString

func levelToString(level zapcore.Level) string

levelToString converts a zapcore.Level to its string representation.


  • level: The zapcore.Level to be converted.


  • string: The string representation of the zapcore.Level.

func mapsToJSONBytes

func mapsToJSONBytes(maps []map[string]interface{}) ([]byte, error)

mapsToJSONBytes converts a slice of maps to a JSON-encoded byte slice. It takes an array of maps, marshals it to JSON format, and returns the resulting byte slice.


  • maps: The slice of maps to be converted.


  • []byte: The JSON-encoded byte slice.
  • error: An error if the conversion fails.

func sendLogs

func sendLogs(ctx *ContextMap, level zapcore.Level, time time.Time, message string, caller zapcore.EntryCaller, stack string, function string, arguments ...interface{})

The function constructs a log entry with the specified parameters and context, and then sends it to Datadog if enabled in the global configuration. It also writes log entries to a local file if local logs are enabled. If any errors occur during this process, they are logged and written to the local error log file. Parameters:

  • ctx: A ContextMap containing context information to be included in the log entry.
  • level: The log entry's severity level (e.g., Debug, Info, Error).
  • time: The timestamp of the log entry.
  • message: The log message.
  • caller: Information about the caller of the log entry.
  • stack: The stack trace of the log entry.
  • function: The function where the log entry was created.
  • arguments: Additional log entry arguments.

func sendMetrics

func sendMetrics(name string, count float64)

sendMetrics sends a metric to Datadog using the specified name and count. The function creates a metric object, converts it to JSON, and sends a POST request to Datadog's metrics endpoint.

The function constructs a Metrics object containing the metric data and associated resource information. It then converts the object to JSON and sends it as a POST request to Datadog for metrics reporting. Any errors encountered during this process are logged and written to the local error log file.


  • name: The name of the metric.
  • count: The value of the metric.

func sendPostRequestToDatadog

func sendPostRequestToDatadog(url string, requestBody []byte, apiKey string) (*http.Response, error)

sendPostRequestToDatadog sends the metric or logs post request to Datadog.


  • url: The URL to which the request is sent.
  • requestBody: The request body.
  • apiKey: The Datadog API key.


  • *http.Response: The response from the POST request.
  • error: An error if the POST request fails.

func timeToString

func timeToString(t time.Time) string

timeToString converts a time.Time value to a string representation using the "2006-01-02 15:04:05.000" layout.


  • t: The time.Time value to be converted.


  • string: The string representation of the time.Time value.

func writeInterfaceToFile

func writeInterfaceToFile(filename string, data interface{}) error

writeInterfaceToFile writes data, which is an interface{} representing structured data, to a file in JSON format. It adds a timestamp to each entry.


  • filename: The name of the file to write to.
  • data: The structured data to be written to the file.


  • error: An error if writing to the file fails.

func writeStringToFile

func writeStringToFile(filename string, data string) error

writeStringToFile appends a string message to a file, including a timestamp.


  • filename: The name of the file to write to.
  • data: The string message to be written to the file.


  • error: An error if writing to the file fails.

type Config

Config represents the configuration for the logging package.

type Config struct {
    ErrorFileLocation string
    LogLevel          string
    LocalLogs         bool
    LocalLogsLocation string
    DatadogLogs       bool
    DatadogSource     string
    DatadogStage      string
    DatadogVersion    string
    DatadogService    string
    DatadogAPIKey     string
    DatadogLogsURL    string
    DatadogMetrics    bool
    DatadogMetricsURL string

type ContextKey

ContextKey defines the supported context keys.

type ContextKey string
const (
    InstructionGuid ContextKey = "instructionGuid"
    AdapterType     ContextKey = "adapterType"
    WatchFolderPath ContextKey = "watchFolderPath"
    WatchFilePath   ContextKey = "watchFilePath"
    ReaderGuid      ContextKey = "readerGuid"
    ClientGuid      ContextKey = "clientGuid"
    Action          ContextKey = "action"
    Rest_Call_Id    ContextKey = "restCallId"
    Rest_Call       ContextKey = "restCall"
    UserMail        ContextKey = "userMail"

type ContextMap

ContextMap represents a context for managing key-value pairs with specific context keys. It allows setting, retrieving, and copying context data associated with various keys.

type ContextMap struct {
    data sync.Map

func (*ContextMap) Copy

func (ctx *ContextMap) Copy() *ContextMap

Copy function copies the current contextMap so new uses of Set do not overwrite existing values


  • *ContextMap: A copy of the current ContextMap.

func (*ContextMap) Get

func (ctx *ContextMap) Get(key ContextKey) (interface{}, bool)

Get function retrieves the value for a ContextKey


  • key: The ContextKey for which to retrieve the value.


  • interface{}: The value associated with the specified ContextKey.
  • bool: A boolean indicating whether the ContextKey exists.

func (*ContextMap) Set

func (ctx *ContextMap) Set(key ContextKey, value interface{})

Set function sets ContextKeys equal to any value

type Metric

Metric represents a time series metric.

type Metric struct {
    Metric    string     `json:"metric"`
    Type      int        `json:"type"`
    Points    []Point    `json:"points"`
    Resources []Resource `json:"resources"`

type Metrics

Metrics represents a collection of metrics.

type Metrics struct {
    Series []Metric `json:"series"`

type Point

Point represents a data point in a time series metric.

type Point struct {
    Timestamp int64   `json:"timestamp"`
    Value     float64 `json:"value"`

type Resource

Resource represents a named resource associated with a metric.

type Resource struct {
    Name string `json:"name"`
    Type string `json:"type"`

type loggerWrapper

loggerWrapper represents a wrapper for the zap.Logger to provide custom logging functionality.

type loggerWrapper struct {
    lw *zap.Logger

Initialize the global logger variable.

var Log loggerWrapper

func (*loggerWrapper) Debugf

func (logger *loggerWrapper) Debugf(ctx *ContextMap, format string, args ...interface{})

Debugf logs a formatted message with Debug level if the global log level is set to "debug."


  • ctx: A ContextMap containing context information to be included in the log entry.
  • format: The format of the log message.
  • args: The log message.

func (*loggerWrapper) Error

func (logger *loggerWrapper) Error(ctx *ContextMap, args ...interface{})

Error logs a message with Error level if the global log level is not set to "fatal".


  • ctx: A ContextMap containing context information to be included in the log entry.
  • args: The log message.

func (*loggerWrapper) Errorf

func (logger *loggerWrapper) Errorf(ctx *ContextMap, format string, args ...interface{})

Errorf logs a formatted message with Error level if the global log level is not set to "fatal".


  • ctx: A ContextMap containing context information to be included in the log entry.
  • format: The format of the log message.
  • args: The log message.

func (*loggerWrapper) Fatal

func (logger *loggerWrapper) Fatal(ctx *ContextMap, args ...interface{})

Fatal logs a message with Fatal level and terminates the program.


  • ctx: A ContextMap containing context information to be included in the log entry.
  • args: The log message.

func (*loggerWrapper) Fatalf

func (logger *loggerWrapper) Fatalf(ctx *ContextMap, format string, args ...interface{})

Fatalf logs a formatted message with Fatal level and terminates the program.


  • ctx: A ContextMap containing context information to be included in the log entry.
  • format: The format of the log message.
  • args: The log message.

func (*loggerWrapper) Info

func (logger *loggerWrapper) Info(ctx *ContextMap, args ...interface{})

Info logs a message with Error level if the global log level is not set to "warn".


  • ctx: A ContextMap containing context information to be included in the log entry.
  • args: The log message.

func (*loggerWrapper) Infof

func (logger *loggerWrapper) Infof(ctx *ContextMap, format string, args ...interface{})

Infof logs a message with Error level if the global log level is not set to "warn".


  • ctx: A ContextMap containing context information to be included in the log entry.
  • format: The format of the log message.
  • args: The log message.

func (*loggerWrapper) Metrics

func (logger *loggerWrapper) Metrics(name string, count float64)

Metrics sends a metric event with the specified name and count to Datadog if Datadog metrics are enabled.


  • name: The name of the metric.
  • count: The value of the metric.

func (*loggerWrapper) Warn

func (logger *loggerWrapper) Warn(ctx *ContextMap, args ...interface{})

Warn logs a message with Error level if the global log level is not set to "error".


  • ctx: A ContextMap containing context information to be included in the log entry.
  • args: The log message.

func (*loggerWrapper) Warnf

func (logger *loggerWrapper) Warnf(ctx *ContextMap, format string, args ...interface{})

Warnf logs a message with Error level if the global log level is not set to "error".


  • ctx: A ContextMap containing context information to be included in the log entry.
  • format: The format of the log message.
  • args: The log message.