Package externalfunctions
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var ExternalFunctionsMap = map[string]interface{}{ "PerformVectorEmbeddingRequest": PerformVectorEmbeddingRequest, "PerformBatchEmbeddingRequest": PerformBatchEmbeddingRequest, "PerformKeywordExtractionRequest": PerformKeywordExtractionRequest, "PerformGeneralRequest": PerformGeneralRequest, "PerformGeneralRequestSpecificModel": PerformGeneralRequestSpecificModel, "PerformCodeLLMRequest": PerformCodeLLMRequest, "BuildLibraryContext": BuildLibraryContext, "BuildFinalQueryForGeneralLLMRequest": BuildFinalQueryForGeneralLLMRequest, "BuildFinalQueryForCodeLLMRequest": BuildFinalQueryForCodeLLMRequest, "AppendMessageHistory": AppendMessageHistory, "ShortenMessageHistory": ShortenMessageHistory, "SendVectorsToKnowledgeDB": SendVectorsToKnowledgeDB, "GetListCollections": GetListCollections, "RetrieveDependencies": RetrieveDependencies, "GeneralNeo4jQuery": GeneralNeo4jQuery, "GeneralQuery": GeneralQuery, "SimilaritySearch": SimilaritySearch, "CreateKeywordsDbFilter": CreateKeywordsDbFilter, "CreateTagsDbFilter": CreateTagsDbFilter, "CreateMetadataDbFilter": CreateMetadataDbFilter, "CreateDbFilter": CreateDbFilter, "AnsysGPTCheckProhibitedWords": AnsysGPTCheckProhibitedWords, "AnsysGPTExtractFieldsFromQuery": AnsysGPTExtractFieldsFromQuery, "AnsysGPTPerformLLMRephraseRequest": AnsysGPTPerformLLMRephraseRequest, "AnsysGPTPerformLLMRephraseRequestNew": AnsysGPTPerformLLMRephraseRequestNew, "AnsysGPTBuildFinalQuery": AnsysGPTBuildFinalQuery, "AnsysGPTPerformLLMRequest": AnsysGPTPerformLLMRequest, "AnsysGPTReturnIndexList": AnsysGPTReturnIndexList, "AnsysGPTACSSemanticHybridSearchs": AnsysGPTACSSemanticHybridSearchs, "AnsysGPTRemoveNoneCitationsFromSearchResponse": AnsysGPTRemoveNoneCitationsFromSearchResponse, "AnsysGPTReorderSearchResponseAndReturnOnlyTopK": AnsysGPTReorderSearchResponseAndReturnOnlyTopK, "AnsysGPTGetSystemPrompt": AnsysGPTGetSystemPrompt, "AisPerformLLMRephraseRequest": AisPerformLLMRephraseRequest, "AisReturnIndexList": AisReturnIndexList, "AisAcsSemanticHybridSearchs": AisAcsSemanticHybridSearchs, "AisChangeAcsResponsesByFactor": AisChangeAcsResponsesByFactor, "AisPerformLLMFinalRequest": AisPerformLLMFinalRequest, "GetGithubFilesToExtract": GetGithubFilesToExtract, "GetLocalFilesToExtract": GetLocalFilesToExtract, "AppendStringSlices": AppendStringSlices, "DownloadGithubFileContent": DownloadGithubFileContent, "GetLocalFileContent": GetLocalFileContent, "GetDocumentType": GetDocumentType, "LangchainSplitter": LangchainSplitter, "GenerateDocumentTree": GenerateDocumentTree, "AddDataRequest": AddDataRequest, "CreateCollectionRequest": CreateCollectionRequest, "AssignStringToString": AssignStringToString, "SendRestAPICall": SendRestAPICall, }
func AddDataRequest ¶
func AddDataRequest(collectionName string, documentData []sharedtypes.DbData)
AddDataRequest sends a request to the add_data endpoint.
- @displayName: Add Data
- collectionName: name of the collection the request is sent to.
- data: the data to add.
func AisAcsSemanticHybridSearchs ¶
func AisAcsSemanticHybridSearchs( query string, embeddedQuery []float32, indexList []string, physics []string, topK int) (output []sharedtypes.ACSSearchResponse)
AisAcsSemanticHybridSearchs performs a semantic hybrid search in ACS
- @displayName: AIS ACS Semantic Hybrid Search
- query: the query string
- embeddedQuery: the embedded query
- indexList: the index list
- physics: the physics
- topK: the number of results to be returned
- output: the search results
func AisChangeAcsResponsesByFactor ¶
func AisChangeAcsResponsesByFactor(factors map[string]float64, semanticSearchOutput []sharedtypes.ACSSearchResponse) (changedSemanticSearchOutput []sharedtypes.ACSSearchResponse)
AisChangeAcsResponsesByFactor changes the ACS responses by a factor
- @displayName: Change ACS Responses By Factor
- factors: the factors
- semanticSearchOutput: the search response
- changedSemanticSearchOutput: the changed search response
func AisPerformLLMFinalRequest ¶
func AisPerformLLMFinalRequest(systemTemplate string, userTemplate string, query string, history []sharedtypes.HistoricMessage, context []sharedtypes.ACSSearchResponse, prohibitedWords []string, errorList1 []string, errorList2 []string, previousInputTokenCount int, previousOutputTokenCount int, tokenCountModelName string, isStream bool) (message string, stream *chan string)
AisPerformLLMFinalRequest performs a final request to LLM
- @displayName: AIS Final Request
- systemTemplate: the system template for the final request
- userTemplate: the user template for the final request
- query: the user query
- history: the conversation history
- prohibitedWords: the list of prohibited words
- errorList1: the list of error words
- errorList2: the list of error words
- stream: the stream channel
func AisPerformLLMRephraseRequest ¶
func AisPerformLLMRephraseRequest(systemTemplate string, userTemplate string, query string, history []sharedtypes.HistoricMessage, tokenCountModelName string) (rephrasedQuery string, inputTokenCount int, outputTokenCount int)
AisPerformLLMRephraseRequest performs a rephrase request to LLM
- @displayName: AIS Rephrase Request
- systemTemplate: the system template for the rephrase request
- userTemplate: the user template for the rephrase request
- query: the user query
- history: the conversation history
- rephrasedQuery: the rephrased query
func AisReturnIndexList ¶
func AisReturnIndexList(accessPoint string) (indexList []string)
AisReturnIndexList returns the index list for AIS
- @displayName: Get AIS Index List
- accessPoint: the access point
- indexList: the index list
func AnsysGPTACSSemanticHybridSearchs ¶
func AnsysGPTACSSemanticHybridSearchs( query string, embeddedQuery []float32, indexList []string, filter map[string]string, topK int) (output []sharedtypes.ACSSearchResponse)
AnsysGPTACSSemanticHybridSearchs performs a semantic hybrid search in ACS
- @displayName: ACS Semantic Hybrid Search
- query: the query string
- embeddedQuery: the embedded query
- indexList: the index list
- typeOfAsset: the type of asset
- physics: the physics
- product: the product
- productMain: the main product
- filter: the filter
- filterAfterVectorSearch: the flag to define the filter order
- returnedProperties: the properties to be returned
- topK: the number of results to be returned from vector search
- searchedEmbeddedFields: the ACS fields to be searched
- output: the search results
func AnsysGPTBuildFinalQuery ¶
func AnsysGPTBuildFinalQuery(refrasedQuery string, context []sharedtypes.ACSSearchResponse) (finalQuery string, errorResponse string, displayFixedMessageToUser bool)
AnsysGPTBuildFinalQuery builds the final query for Ansys GPT
- @displayName: Build Final Query
- refrasedQuery: the refrased query
- context: the context
- finalQuery: the final query
func AnsysGPTCheckProhibitedWords ¶
func AnsysGPTCheckProhibitedWords(query string, prohibitedWords []string, errorResponseMessage string) (foundProhibited bool, responseMessage string)
AnsysGPTCheckProhibitedWords checks the user query for prohibited words
- @displayName: Check Prohibited Words
- query: the user query
- prohibitedWords: the list of prohibited words
- errorResponseMessage: the error response message
- foundProhibited: the flag indicating whether prohibited words were found
- responseMessage: the response message
func AnsysGPTExtractFieldsFromQuery ¶
func AnsysGPTExtractFieldsFromQuery(query string, fieldValues map[string][]string, defaultFields []sharedtypes.AnsysGPTDefaultFields) (fields map[string]string)
AnsysGPTExtractFieldsFromQuery extracts the fields from the user query
- @displayName: Extract Fields
- query: the user query
- fieldValues: the field values that the user query can contain
- defaultFields: the default fields that the user query can contain
- fields: the extracted fields
func AnsysGPTGetSystemPrompt ¶
func AnsysGPTGetSystemPrompt(query string, prohibitedWords []string, template string) (systemPrompt string)
AnsysGPTGetSystemPrompt returns the system prompt for Ansys GPT
- @displayName: Get System Prompt
- rephrasedQuery: the rephrased query
- systemPrompt: the system prompt
func AnsysGPTPerformLLMRephraseRequest ¶
func AnsysGPTPerformLLMRephraseRequest(userTemplate string, query string, history []sharedtypes.HistoricMessage, systemPrompt string) (rephrasedQuery string)
AnsysGPTPerformLLMRephraseRequest performs a rephrase request to LLM
- @displayName: Rephrase Request
- template: the template for the rephrase request
- query: the user query
- history: the conversation history
- rephrasedQuery: the rephrased query
func AnsysGPTPerformLLMRephraseRequestNew ¶
func AnsysGPTPerformLLMRephraseRequestNew(template string, query string, history []sharedtypes.HistoricMessage) (rephrasedQuery string)
AnsysGPTPerformLLMRephraseRequestNew performs a rephrase request to LLM
- @displayName: Rephrase Request New
- template: the template for the rephrase request
- query: the user query
- history: the conversation history
- rephrasedQuery: the rephrased query
func AnsysGPTPerformLLMRequest ¶
func AnsysGPTPerformLLMRequest(finalQuery string, history []sharedtypes.HistoricMessage, systemPrompt string, isStream bool) (message string, stream *chan string)
AnsysGPTPerformLLMRequest performs a request to Ansys GPT
- @displayName: LLM Request
- finalQuery: the final query
- history: the conversation history
- systemPrompt: the system prompt
- stream: the stream channel
func AnsysGPTRemoveNoneCitationsFromSearchResponse ¶
func AnsysGPTRemoveNoneCitationsFromSearchResponse(semanticSearchOutput []sharedtypes.ACSSearchResponse, citations []sharedtypes.AnsysGPTCitation) (reducedSemanticSearchOutput []sharedtypes.ACSSearchResponse)
AnsysGPTRemoveNoneCitationsFromSearchResponse removes none citations from search response
- @displayName: Remove None Citations
- semanticSearchOutput: the search response
- citations: the citations
- reducedSemanticSearchOutput: the reduced search response
func AnsysGPTReorderSearchResponseAndReturnOnlyTopK ¶
func AnsysGPTReorderSearchResponseAndReturnOnlyTopK(semanticSearchOutput []sharedtypes.ACSSearchResponse, topK int) (reorderedSemanticSearchOutput []sharedtypes.ACSSearchResponse)
AnsysGPTReorderSearchResponseAndReturnOnlyTopK reorders the search response
- @displayName: Reorder Search Response
- semanticSearchOutput: the search response
- topK: the number of results to be returned
- reorderedSemanticSearchOutput: the reordered search response
func AnsysGPTReturnIndexList ¶
func AnsysGPTReturnIndexList(indexGroups []string) (indexList []string)
AnsysGPTReturnIndexList returns the index list for Ansys GPT
- @displayName: List Indexes
- indexGroups: the index groups
- indexList: the index list
func AppendMessageHistory ¶
func AppendMessageHistory(newMessage string, role AppendMessageHistoryRole, history []sharedtypes.HistoricMessage) (updatedHistory []sharedtypes.HistoricMessage)
AppendMessageHistory appends a new message to the conversation history
- @displayName: Append Message History
- newMessage: the new message
- role: the role of the message
- history: the conversation history
- updatedHistory: the updated conversation history
func AppendStringSlices ¶
func AppendStringSlices(slice1, slice2, slice3, slice4, slice5 []string) []string
AppendStringSlices creates a new slice by appending all elements of the provided slices.
- @displayName: Append String Slices
- slice1, slice2, slice3, slice4, slice5: slices to append.
- result: a new slice with all elements appended.
func AssignStringToString ¶
func AssignStringToString(inputString string) (outputString string)
AssignStringToString assigns a string to another string
- @displayName: Assign String to String
- inputString: the input string
- outputString: the output string
func BuildFinalQueryForCodeLLMRequest ¶
func BuildFinalQueryForCodeLLMRequest(request string, knowledgedbResponse []sharedtypes.DbResponse) (finalQuery string)
BuildFinalQueryForCodeLLMRequest builds the final query for a code generation request to LLM. The final query is a markdown string that contains the original request and the code examples from the KnowledgeDB.
- @displayName: Final Query (Code LLM Request)
- request: the original request
- knowledgedbResponse: the KnowledgeDB response
- finalQuery: the final query
func BuildFinalQueryForGeneralLLMRequest ¶
func BuildFinalQueryForGeneralLLMRequest(request string, knowledgedbResponse []sharedtypes.DbResponse) (finalQuery string)
BuildFinalQueryForGeneralLLMRequest builds the final query for a general request to LLM. The final query is a markdown string that contains the original request and the examples from the KnowledgeDB.
- @displayName: Final Query (General LLM Request)
- request: the original request
- knowledgedbResponse: the KnowledgeDB response
- finalQuery: the final query
func BuildLibraryContext ¶
func BuildLibraryContext(message string, libraryContext string) (messageWithContext string)
BuildLibraryContext builds the context string for the query
- @displayName: Library Context
- message: the message string
- libraryContext: the library context string
- messageWithContext: the message with context
func CreateCollectionRequest ¶
func CreateCollectionRequest(collectionName string)
CreateCollectionRequest sends a request to the collection endpoint.
- @displayName: Create Collection
- collectionName: the name of the collection to create.
func CreateDbFilter ¶
func CreateDbFilter( guid []string, documentId []string, documentName []string, level []string, tags sharedtypes.DbArrayFilter, keywords sharedtypes.DbArrayFilter, metadata []sharedtypes.DbJsonFilter) (databaseFilter sharedtypes.DbFilters)
CreateDbFilter creates a filter for the KnowledgeDB.
The function returns the filter.
- @displayName: Create Filter
- guid: the guid filter
- documentId: the document ID filter
- documentName: the document name filter
- level: the level filter
- tags: the tags filter
- keywords: the keywords filter
- metadata: the metadata filter
- databaseFilter: the filter
func CreateKeywordsDbFilter ¶
func CreateKeywordsDbFilter(keywords []string, needAll bool) (databaseFilter sharedtypes.DbArrayFilter)
CreateKeywordsDbFilter creates a keywords filter for the KnowledgeDB.
The function returns the keywords filter.
- @displayName: Keywords Filter
- keywords: the keywords to be used for the filter
- needAll: flag to indicate whether all keywords are needed
- databaseFilter: the keywords filter
func CreateMetadataDbFilter ¶
func CreateMetadataDbFilter(fieldName string, fieldType string, filterData []string, needAll bool) (databaseFilter sharedtypes.DbJsonFilter)
CreateMetadataDbFilter creates a metadata filter for the KnowledgeDB.
The function returns the metadata filter.
- @displayName: Metadata Filter
- fieldName: the name of the field
- fieldType: the type of the field
- filterData: the filter data
- needAll: flag to indicate whether all data is needed
- databaseFilter: the metadata filter
func CreateTagsDbFilter ¶
func CreateTagsDbFilter(tags []string, needAll bool) (databaseFilter sharedtypes.DbArrayFilter)
CreateTagsDbFilter creates a tags filter for the KnowledgeDB.
The function returns the tags filter.
- @displayName: Tags Filter
- tags: the tags to be used for the filter
- needAll: flag to indicate whether all tags are needed
- databaseFilter: the tags filter
func DownloadGithubFileContent ¶
func DownloadGithubFileContent(githubRepoName string, githubRepoOwner string, githubRepoBranch string, gihubFilePath string, githubAccessToken string) (checksum string, content []byte)
DownloadGithubFileContent downloads file content from github and returns checksum and content.
- @displayName: Download Github File Content
- githubRepoName: name of the github repository.
- githubRepoOwner: owner of the github repository.
- githubRepoBranch: branch of the github repository.
- gihubFilePath: path to file in the github repository.
- githubAccessToken: access token for github.
- checksum: checksum of file.
- content: content of file.
func GeneralNeo4jQuery ¶
func GeneralNeo4jQuery(query string) (databaseResponse sharedtypes.Neo4jResponse)
GeneralNeo4jQuery executes the given Neo4j query and returns the response.
The function returns the neo4j response.
- @displayName: General Neo4J Query
- query: the Neo4j query to be executed.
- databaseResponse: the Neo4j response
func GeneralQuery ¶
func GeneralQuery(collectionName string, maxRetrievalCount int, outputFields []string, filters sharedtypes.DbFilters) (databaseResponse []sharedtypes.DbResponse)
GeneralQuery performs a general query in the KnowledgeDB.
The function returns the query results.
- @displayName: Query
- collectionName: the name of the collection to which the data objects will be added.
- maxRetrievalCount: the maximum number of results to be retrieved.
- outputFields: the fields to be included in the output.
- filters: the filter for the query.
- databaseResponse: the query results
func GenerateDocumentTree ¶
func GenerateDocumentTree(documentName string, documentId string, documentChunks []string, embeddingsDimensions int, getSummary bool, getKeywords bool, numKeywords int, chunkSize int, numLlmWorkers int) (returnedDocumentData []sharedtypes.DbData)
GenerateDocumentTree generates a tree structure from the document chunks.
- @displayName: Document Tree
- documentName: name of the document.
- documentId: id of the document.
- documentChunks: chunks of the document.
- embeddingsDimensions: dimensions of the embeddings.
- getSummary: whether to get summary.
- getKeywords: whether to get keywords.
- numKeywords: number of keywords.
- chunkSize: size of the chunks.
- numLlmWorkers: number of llm workers.
- documentData: tree structure of the document.
func GetDocumentType ¶
func GetDocumentType(filePath string) (documentType string)
GetDocumentType returns the document type of a file.
- @displayName: Get Document Type
- filePath: path to file.
- documentType: file extension.
func GetGithubFilesToExtract ¶
func GetGithubFilesToExtract(githubRepoName string, githubRepoOwner string, githubRepoBranch string, githubAccessToken string, githubFileExtensions []string, githubFilteredDirectories []string, githubExcludedDirectories []string) (githubFilesToExtract []string)
GetGithubFilesToExtract gets all files from github that need to be extracted.
- @displayName: List Github Files
- githubRepoName: name of the github repository.
- githubRepoOwner: owner of the github repository.
- githubRepoBranch: branch of the github repository.
- githubAccessToken: access token for github.
- githubFileExtensions: github file extensions.
- githubFilteredDirectories: github filtered directories.
- githubExcludedDirectories: github excluded directories.
- githubFilesToExtract: github files to extract.
func GetListCollections ¶
func GetListCollections() (collectionsList []string)
GetListCollections retrieves the list of collections from the KnowledgeDB.
- @displayName: List Collections
The function returns the list of collections.
- knowledgeDbEndpoint: the KnowledgeDB endpoint
- collectionsList: the list of collections
func GetLocalFileContent ¶
func GetLocalFileContent(localFilePath string) (checksum string, content []byte)
GetLocalFileContent reads local file and returns checksum and content.
- @displayName: Get Local File Content
- localFilePath: path to file.
- checksum: checksum of file.
- content: content of file.
func GetLocalFilesToExtract ¶
func GetLocalFilesToExtract(localPath string, localFileExtensions []string, localFilteredDirectories []string, localExcludedDirectories []string) (localFilesToExtract []string)
GetLocalFilesToExtract gets all files from local that need to be extracted.
- @displayName: List Local Files
- localPath: path to the local directory.
- localFileExtensions: local file extensions.
- localFilteredDirectories: local filtered directories.
- localExcludedDirectories: local excluded directories.
- localFilesToExtract: local files to extract.
func LangchainSplitter ¶
func LangchainSplitter(bytesContent []byte, documentType string, chunkSize int, chunkOverlap int) (output []string)
LangchainSplitter splits content into chunks using langchain.
- @displayName: Split Content
- content: content to split.
- documentType: type of document.
- chunkSize: size of the chunks.
- chunkOverlap: overlap of the chunks.
- output: chunks as an slice of strings.
func PerformBatchEmbeddingRequest ¶
func PerformBatchEmbeddingRequest(input []string) (embeddedVectors [][]float32)
PerformBatchEmbeddingRequest performs a batch vector embedding request to LLM
- @displayName: Batch Embeddings
- input: the input strings
- embeddedVectors: the embedded vectors in float32 format
func PerformCodeLLMRequest ¶
func PerformCodeLLMRequest(input string, history []sharedtypes.HistoricMessage, isStream bool, validateCode bool) (message string, stream *chan string)
PerformCodeLLMRequest performs a code generation request to LLM
- @displayName: Code LLM Request
- input: the input string
- history: the conversation history
- isStream: the stream flag
- message: the generated code
- stream: the stream channel
func PerformGeneralRequest ¶
func PerformGeneralRequest(input string, history []sharedtypes.HistoricMessage, isStream bool, systemPrompt string) (message string, stream *chan string)
PerformGeneralRequest performs a general chat completion request to LLM
- @displayName: General LLM Request
- input: the input string
- history: the conversation history
- isStream: the stream flag
- systemPrompt: the system prompt
- message: the generated message
- stream: the stream channel
func PerformGeneralRequestSpecificModel ¶
func PerformGeneralRequestSpecificModel(input string, history []sharedtypes.HistoricMessage, isStream bool, systemPrompt string, modelIds []string) (message string, stream *chan string)
PerformGeneralRequestSpecificModel performs a general request to LLM with a specific model
- @displayName: General LLM Request (Specific Models)
- input: the user input
- history: the conversation history
- isStream: the flag to indicate whether the response should be streamed
- systemPrompt: the system prompt
- modelId: the model ID
- message: the response message
- stream: the stream channel
func PerformKeywordExtractionRequest ¶
func PerformKeywordExtractionRequest(input string, maxKeywordsSearch uint32) (keywords []string)
PerformKeywordExtractionRequest performs a keywords extraction request to LLM
- @displayName: Keyword Extraction
- input: the input string
- maxKeywordsSearch: the maximum number of keywords to search for
- keywords: the keywords extracted from the input string as a slice of strings
func PerformSummaryRequest ¶
func PerformSummaryRequest(input string) (summary string)
PerformSummaryRequest performs a summary request to LLM
- @displayName: Summary
- input: the input string
- summary: the summary extracted from the input string
func PerformVectorEmbeddingRequest ¶
func PerformVectorEmbeddingRequest(input string) (embeddedVector []float32)
PerformVectorEmbeddingRequest performs a vector embedding request to LLM
- @displayName: Embeddings
- input: the input string
- embeddedVector: the embedded vector in float32 format
func RetrieveDependencies ¶
func RetrieveDependencies( collectionName string, relationshipName string, relationshipDirection string, sourceDocumentId string, nodeTypesFilter sharedtypes.DbArrayFilter, maxHopsNumber int) (dependenciesIds []string)
RetrieveDependencies retrieves the dependencies of the specified source node.
The function returns the list of dependencies.
- @displayName: Retrieve Dependencies
- collectionName: the name of the collection to which the data objects will be added.
- relationshipName: the name of the relationship to retrieve dependencies for.
- relationshipDirection: the direction of the relationship to retrieve dependencies for.
- sourceDocumentId: the document ID of the source node.
- nodeTypesFilter: filter based on node types.
- maxHopsNumber: maximum number of hops to traverse.
- dependenciesIds: the list of dependencies
func SendRestAPICall ¶
func SendRestAPICall(requestType string, endpoint string, header map[string]string, query map[string]string, jsonBody string) (success bool, returnJsonBody string)
SendAPICall sends an API call to the specified URL with the specified headers and query parameters.
- @displayName: REST Call
- requestType: the type of the request (GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE)
- urlString: the URL to send the request to
- headers: the headers to include in the request
- query: the query parameters to include in the request
- jsonBody: the body of the request as a JSON string
- success: a boolean indicating whether the request was successful
- returnJsonBody: the JSON body of the response as a string
func SendVectorsToKnowledgeDB ¶
func SendVectorsToKnowledgeDB(vector []float32, keywords []string, keywordsSearch bool, collection string, similaritySearchResults int, similaritySearchMinScore float64) (databaseResponse []sharedtypes.DbResponse)
SendVectorsToKnowledgeDB sends the given vector to the KnowledgeDB and returns the most relevant data. The number of results is specified in the config file. The keywords are used to filter the results. The min score filter is also specified in the config file. If it is not specified, the default value is used.
The function returns the most relevant data.
- @displayName: Similarity Search
- vector: the vector to be sent to the KnowledgeDB
- keywords: the keywords to be used to filter the results
- keywordsSearch: the flag to enable the keywords search
- collection: the collection name
- similaritySearchResults: the number of results to be returned
- similaritySearchMinScore: the minimum score for the results
- databaseResponse: an array of the most relevant data
func ShortenMessageHistory ¶
func ShortenMessageHistory(history []sharedtypes.HistoricMessage, maxLength int) (updatedHistory []sharedtypes.HistoricMessage)
ShortenMessageHistory shortens the conversation history to a maximum length. It will retain only the most recent messages and older messages will be removed.
- @displayName: Shorten History
- history: the conversation history
- maxLength: the maximum length of the conversation history
- updatedHistory: the updated conversation history
func SimilaritySearch ¶
func SimilaritySearch( collectionName string, embeddedVector []float32, maxRetrievalCount int, outputFields []string, filters sharedtypes.DbFilters, minScore float64, getLeafNodes bool, getSiblings bool, getParent bool, getChildren bool) (databaseResponse []sharedtypes.DbResponse)
SimilaritySearch performs a similarity search in the KnowledgeDB.
The function returns the similarity search results.
- @displayName: Similarity Search (Filtered)
- collectionName: the name of the collection to which the data objects will be added.
- embeddedVector: the embedded vector used for searching.
- maxRetrievalCount: the maximum number of results to be retrieved.
- outputFields: the fields to be included in the output.
- filters: the filter for the query.
- minScore: the minimum score filter.
- getLeafNodes: flag to indicate whether to retrieve all the leaf nodes in the result node branch.
- getSiblings: flag to indicate whether to retrieve the previous and next node to the result nodes.
- getParent: flag to indicate whether to retrieve the parent object.
- getChildren: flag to indicate whether to retrieve the children objects.
- databaseResponse: the similarity search results
func ansysGPTACSSemanticHybridSearch ¶
func ansysGPTACSSemanticHybridSearch( query string, embeddedQuery []float32, indexName string, filter map[string]string, topK int, isAis bool, physics []string) (output []sharedtypes.ACSSearchResponse)
ansysGPTACSSemanticHybridSearch performs a semantic hybrid search in ACS
- query: the query string
- embeddedQuery: the embedded query
- indexName: the index name
- filter: string build in specific format (
- filterAfterVectorSearch: the flag to define the filter order (recommended true)
- returnedProperties: the properties to be returned
- topK: the number of results to be returned from vector search
- searchedEmbeddedFields: the ACS fields to be searched
- output: the search results
func convertToFloat32Slice ¶
func convertToFloat32Slice(interfaceSlice []interface{}) ([]float32, error)
convertToFloat32Slice converts an interface slice to a float32 slice.
- interfaceSlice: the interface slice.
- float32Slice: the float32 slice.
- error: an error if any.
func createDbArrayFilter ¶
func createDbArrayFilter(filterData []string, needAll bool) (databaseFilter sharedtypes.DbArrayFilter)
createDbArrayFilter creates an array filter for the KnowledgeDB.
The function returns the array filter.
- filterData: the filter data
- needAll: flag to indicate whether all data is needed
- databaseFilter: the array filter
func createDbJsonFilter ¶
func createDbJsonFilter(fieldName string, fieldType string, filterData []string, needAll bool) (databaseFilter sharedtypes.DbJsonFilter)
createDbJsonFilter creates a JSON filter for the KnowledgeDB.
The function returns the JSON filter.
- fieldName: the name of the field
- fieldType: the type of the field
- filterData: the filter data
- needAll: flag to indicate whether all data is needed
- databaseFilter: the JSON filter
func createPayloadAndSendHttpRequest ¶
func createPayloadAndSendHttpRequest(url string, requestObject interface{}, responsePtr interface{}) (funcError error, statusCode int)
createPayloadAndSendHttpRequest creates a JSON payload and sends an HTTP POST request.
- url: the URL to send the request to.
- requestObject: the object to send in the request body.
- responsePtr: a pointer to the object to store the response in.
- error: the error returned by the function.
func dataExtractNewGithubClient ¶
func dataExtractNewGithubClient(githubAccessToken string) (client *github.Client, ctx context.Context)
dataExtractNewGithubClient initializes a new GitHub client with the given access token.
- githubAccessToken: the GitHub access token.
- *github.Client: the GitHub client.
- context.Context: the context.
func dataExtractionDocumentLevelHandler ¶
func dataExtractionDocumentLevelHandler(inputChannel chan *DataExtractionLLMInputChannelItem, errorChannel chan error, chunks []string, documentId string, documentPath string, getSummary bool, getKeywords bool, numKeywords uint32) (orderedChildDataObjects []*sharedtypes.DbData, err error)
dataExtractionDocumentLevelHandler handles the data extraction at document level.
- inputChannel: the input channel.
- chunks: the document chunks.
- documentId: the document ID.
- documentPath: the document path.
- getSummary: the flag to indicate whether to get the summary.
- getKeywords: the flag to indicate whether to get the keywords.
- numKeywords: the number of keywords.
- orderedChildDataObjects: the ordered child data objects.
func dataExtractionFilterGithubTreeEntries ¶
func dataExtractionFilterGithubTreeEntries(tree *github.Tree, githubFilteredDirectories, githubExcludedDirectories, githubFileExtensions []string) (githubFilesToExtract []string)
dataExtractionFilterGithubTreeEntries filters the Github tree entries based on the specified filters.
- tree: the Github tree.
- githubFilteredDirectories: the Github filtered directories.
- githubExcludedDirectories: the Github excluded directories.
- githubFileExtensions: the Github file extensions.
- []string: the files to extract.
func dataExtractionLLMHandlerWorker ¶
func dataExtractionLLMHandlerWorker(waitgroup *sync.WaitGroup, inputChannel chan *DataExtractionLLMInputChannelItem, errorChannel chan error, embeddingsDimensions int)
dataExtractionLLMHandlerWorker is a worker function for the LLM Handler requests during data extraction.
- waitgroup: the wait group
- inputChannel: the input channel
- errorChannel: the error channel
- embeddingsDimensions: the embeddings dimensions
- error: an error if any
func dataExtractionLocalFilepathExtractWalker ¶
func dataExtractionLocalFilepathExtractWalker(localPath string, localFileExtensions []string, localFilteredDirectories []string, localExcludedDirectories []string, filesToExtract *[]string, f os.FileInfo, err error) error
dataExtractionLocalFilepathExtractWalker is the walker function for the local file extraction.
- localPath: the local path.
- localFileExtensions: the local file extensions.
- localFilteredDirectories: the local filtered directories.
- localExcludedDirectories: the local excluded directories.
- filesToExtract: the files to extract.
- f: the file info
- error: error that occured during execution.
func dataExtractionPerformSplitterRequest ¶
func dataExtractionPerformSplitterRequest(content []byte, documentType string, chunkSize int, chunkOverlap int) (output []string, err error)
dataExtractionPerformSplitterRequest performs a data extraction splitter request to the Python service.
- content: the content.
- documentType: the document type.
- chunkSize: the chunk size.
- chunkOverlap: the chunk overlap.
- output: the output.
- error: an error if any.
func dataExtractionProcessBatchEmbeddings ¶
func dataExtractionProcessBatchEmbeddings(documentData []*sharedtypes.DbData, maxBatchSize int) error
dataExtractionProcessBatchEmbeddings processes the data extraction batch embeddings.
- documentData: the document data.
- maxBatchSize: the max batch size.
- error: an error if any
func extractAndConvertACSResponse ¶
func extractAndConvertACSResponse(body []byte, indexName string) (output []sharedtypes.ACSSearchResponse)
extractAndConvertACSResponse extracts and converts the ACS response to ACSSearchResponse
- body: the response body
- indexName: the index name
- output: the search results
func extractPythonCode ¶
func extractPythonCode(markdown string) (pythonCode string, error error)
extractPythonCode extracts the Python code from a markdown string. If the string does not contain a code block, it is assumed that the string is Python code and is returned as is.
- markdown: the markdown string
- string: the Python code
- error: error if any
func formatTemplate ¶
func formatTemplate(template string, data map[string]string) string
formatTemplate formats a template string with the given data
- template: the template string
- data: the data to be used for formatting
- string: the formatted template string
func getFieldsAndReturnProperties ¶
func getFieldsAndReturnProperties(indexName string) (searchedEmbeddedFields string, returnedProperties string)
getFieldsAndReturnProperties returns the searchedEmbeddedFields and returnedProperties based on the index name
- indexName: the index name
- searchedEmbeddedFields: the ACS fields to be searched
- returnedProperties: the properties to be returned
func httpRequest ¶
func httpRequest(method string, url string, headers map[string]string, body []byte) ([]byte, error)
httpRequest is a general function for making HTTP requests.
- method: HTTP method.
- url: URL to make the request to.
- headers: headers to include in the request.
- body: body of the request.
- response body.
- error.
func initializeClient ¶
func initializeClient(llmHandlerEndpoint string) *websocket.Conn
initializeClient initializes the LLM Handler client
- *websocket.Conn: the websocket connection
func listener ¶
func listener(c *websocket.Conn, responseChannel chan sharedtypes.HandlerResponse)
listener listens for messages from the LLM Handler
- c: the websocket connection
- responseChannel: the response channel
func llmHandlerPerformKeywordExtractionRequest ¶
func llmHandlerPerformKeywordExtractionRequest(input string, numKeywords uint32) (keywords []string, err error)
llmHandlerPerformKeywordExtractionRequest performs a keyword extraction request to LLM Handler.
- input: the input string.
- numKeywords: the number of keywords.
- keywords: the keywords.
- error: an error if any.
func llmHandlerPerformSummaryRequest ¶
func llmHandlerPerformSummaryRequest(input string) (summary string, err error)
llmHandlerPerformSummaryRequest performs a summary request to LLM Handler.
- input: the input string.
- summary: the summary.
- error: an error if any.
func llmHandlerPerformVectorEmbeddingRequest ¶
func llmHandlerPerformVectorEmbeddingRequest(input []string) (embeddedVectors [][]float32, err error)
llmHandlerPerformVectorEmbeddingRequest performs a vector embedding request to LLM Handler.
- input: slice of input strings.
- embeddedVector: the embedded vectors.
- error: an error if any.
func openAiTokenCount ¶
func openAiTokenCount(modelName string, message string) (int, error)
TokenCount takes a model name and a message string, returns the token count.
func performGeneralRequest ¶
func performGeneralRequest(input string, history []sharedtypes.HistoricMessage, isStream bool, systemPrompt string, options *sharedtypes.ModelOptions) (message string, stream *chan string, err error)
performGeneralRequest performs a general chat completion request to LLM.
- input: the input string.
- history: the conversation history.
- isStream: the stream flag.
- systemPrompt: the system prompt.
- message: the generated message.
- stream: the stream channel.
- err: the error.
func randomNameGenerator ¶
func randomNameGenerator() string
randomNameGenerator generates a random name for the temporary Python script file
- string: the name of the temporary Python script file
func sendChatRequest ¶
func sendChatRequest(data string, chatRequestType string, history []sharedtypes.HistoricMessage, maxKeywordsSearch uint32, systemPrompt string, llmHandlerEndpoint string, modelIds []string, options *sharedtypes.ModelOptions) chan sharedtypes.HandlerResponse
sendChatRequest sends a chat request to LLM
- data: the input string
- chatRequestType: the chat request type
- history: the conversation history
- sc: the session context
- chan sharedtypes.HandlerResponse: the response channel
func sendChatRequestNoHistory ¶
func sendChatRequestNoHistory(data string, chatRequestType string, maxKeywordsSearch uint32, llmHandlerEndpoint string, modelIds []string, options *sharedtypes.ModelOptions) chan sharedtypes.HandlerResponse
sendChatRequestNoHistory sends a chat request to LLM without history
- data: the input string
- chatRequestType: the chat request type
- sc: the session context
- chan sharedtypes.HandlerResponse: the response channel
func sendEmbeddingsRequest ¶
func sendEmbeddingsRequest(data interface{}, llmHandlerEndpoint string, modelIds []string) chan sharedtypes.HandlerResponse
sendEmbeddingsRequest sends an embeddings request to LLM
- data: the input string
- sc: the session context
- chan sharedtypes.HandlerResponse: the response channel
func sendRequest ¶
func sendRequest(adapter string, data interface{}, RequestChannel chan []byte, chatRequestType string, dataStream string, history []sharedtypes.HistoricMessage, maxKeywordsSearch uint32, systemPrompt string, responseChannel chan sharedtypes.HandlerResponse, modelIds []string, options *sharedtypes.ModelOptions)
sendRequest sends a request to LLM
- adapter: the adapter type. Types: "chat", "embeddings"
- data: the input string
- RequestChannel: the request channel
- chatRequestType: the chat request type. Types: "summary", "code", "keywords"
- dataStream: the data stream flag
- history: the conversation history
- sc: the session context
func shutdownHandler ¶
func shutdownHandler(c *websocket.Conn)
shutdownHandler handles the shutdown of the LLM Handler
- c: the websocket connection
- RequestChannel: the request channel
func transferDatafromResponseToStreamChannel ¶
func transferDatafromResponseToStreamChannel( responseChannel *chan sharedtypes.HandlerResponse, streamChannel *chan string, validateCode bool, sendTokenCount bool, previousInputTokenCount int, previousOutputTokenCount int, tokenCountModelName string)
transferDatafromResponseToStreamChannel transfers the data from the response channel to the stream channel
- responseChannel: the response channel
- streamChannel: the stream channel
- validateCode: the flag to indicate whether the code should be validated
func validatePythonCode ¶
func validatePythonCode(pythonCode string) (bool, bool, error)
validatePythonCode validates the Python code using a Python code analysis tool (pyright) and returns several values to indicate the validity of the Python code.
- pythonCode: the Python code to be validated
- bool: true if the Python code is valid, false otherwise
- bool: true if the Python code has potential errors, false otherwise
- error: an error message if the Python code is invalid
func writer ¶
func writer(c *websocket.Conn, RequestChannel chan []byte, responseChannel chan sharedtypes.HandlerResponse)
writer writes messages to the LLM Handler
- c: the websocket connection
- RequestChannel: the request channel
type ACSSearchRequest ¶
ACSRequest represents the request structure for the Azure Cognitive Search.
type ACSSearchRequest struct { Search string `json:"search"` VectorQueries []ACSVectorQuery `json:"vectorQueries"` VectorFilterMode string `json:"vectorFilterMode"` Filter string `json:"filter"` QueryType string `json:"queryType"` SemanticConfiguration string `json:"semanticConfiguration"` Top int `json:"top"` Select string `json:"select"` Count bool `json:"count"` }
type ACSSearchResponseALH ¶
ACSSearchResponse represents the response structure for the Azure Cognitive Search for ansysgpt-alh & ansysgpt-scbu.
type ACSSearchResponseALH struct { SourcetitleSAP string `json:"sourcetitleSAP"` SourceURLSAP string `json:"sourceURLSAP"` SourcetitleDCB string `json:"sourcetitleDCB"` SourceURLDCB string `json:"sourceURLDCB"` Content string `json:"content"` TypeOFasset string `json:"typeOFasset"` Physics string `json:"physics"` Product string `json:"product"` Version string `json:"version"` Weight float64 `json:"weight"` TokenSize int `json:"token_size"` SearchScore float64 `json:"@search.score"` SearchRerankerScore float64 `json:"@search.rerankerScore"` IndexName string `json:"indexName"` }
type ACSSearchResponseCrtech ¶
ACSSearchResponseCrtech represents the response structure for the Azure Cognitive Search for external-crtech-thermal-desktop.
type ACSSearchResponseCrtech struct { Physics string `json:"physics"` SourceTitleLvl3 string `json:"sourceTitle_lvl3"` SourceURLLvl3 string `json:"sourceURL_lvl3"` TokenSize int `json:"token_size"` SourceTitleLvl2 string `json:"sourceTitle_lvl2"` Weight float64 `json:"weight"` SourceURLLvl2 string `json:"sourceURL_lvl2"` Product string `json:"product"` Content string `json:"content"` TypeOFasset string `json:"typeOFasset"` Version string `json:"version"` BridgeId string `json:"bridge_id"` SearchScore float64 `json:"@search.score"` SearchRerankerScore float64 `json:"@search.rerankerScore"` IndexName string `json:"indexName"` }
type ACSSearchResponseLSdyna ¶
ACSSearchResponse represents the response structure for the Azure Cognitive Search for lsdyna-documentation-r14.
type ACSSearchResponseLSdyna struct { Title string `json:"title"` Url string `json:"url"` Content string `json:"content"` TypeOFasset string `json:"typeOFasset"` Physics string `json:"physics"` Product string `json:"product"` TokenSize int `json:"token_size"` SearchScore float64 `json:"@search.score"` SearchRerankerScore float64 `json:"@search.rerankerScore"` IndexName string `json:"indexName"` }
type ACSSearchResponseStruct ¶
ACSSearchResponseStruct represents the response structure for the Azure Cognitive Search for granular-ansysgpt, ansysgpt-documentation-2023r2, scade-documentation-2023r2, ansys-dot-com-marketing.
type ACSSearchResponseStruct struct { OdataContext string `json:"@odata.context"` OdataCount int `json:"@odata.count"` Value []sharedtypes.ACSSearchResponse `json:"value"` }
type ACSSearchResponseStructALH ¶
ACSSearchResponseStruct represents the response structure for the Azure Cognitive Search for ansysgpt-alh & ansysgpt-scbu.
type ACSSearchResponseStructALH struct { OdataContext string `json:"@odata.context"` OdataCount int `json:"@odata.count"` Value []ACSSearchResponseALH `json:"value"` }
type ACSSearchResponseStructCrtech ¶
ACSSearchResponseStructCrtech represents the response structure for the Azure Cognitive Search for external-crtech-thermal-desktop.
type ACSSearchResponseStructCrtech struct { OdataContext string `json:"@odata.context"` OdataCount int `json:"@odata.count"` Value []ACSSearchResponseCrtech `json:"value"` }
type ACSSearchResponseStructLSdyna ¶
ACSSearchResponseStruct represents the response structure for the Azure Cognitive Search for lsdyna-documentation-r14.
type ACSSearchResponseStructLSdyna struct { OdataContext string `json:"@odata.context"` OdataCount int `json:"@odata.count"` Value []ACSSearchResponseLSdyna `json:"value"` }
type ACSVectorQuery ¶
ACSVectorQuery represents the vector query structure for the Azure Cognitive Search.
type ACSVectorQuery struct { Kind string `json:"kind"` K int `json:"k"` Vector []float32 `json:"vector"` Fields string `json:"fields"` }
type AppendMessageHistoryRole ¶
type AppendMessageHistoryRole string
const ( user AppendMessageHistoryRole = "user" assistant AppendMessageHistoryRole = "assistant" system AppendMessageHistoryRole = "system" )
type DataExtractionBranch ¶
DataExtractionBranch represents the branch structure for the data extraction.
type DataExtractionBranch struct { Text string ChildDataObjects []*sharedtypes.DbData ChildDataIds []string }
type DataExtractionLLMInputChannelItem ¶
DataExtractionLLMInputChannelItem represents the input channel item for the data extraction llm handler workers.
type DataExtractionLLMInputChannelItem struct { Data *sharedtypes.DbData Adapter string ChatRequestType string MaxNumberOfKeywords uint32 InstructionSequenceWaitGroup *sync.WaitGroup Lock *sync.Mutex EmbeddingVector []float32 Summary string Keywords []string CollectionName string }
func dataExtractionNewLlmInputChannelItem ¶
func dataExtractionNewLlmInputChannelItem(data *sharedtypes.DbData, instructionSequenceWaitGroup *sync.WaitGroup, adapter string, chatRequestType string, maxNumberOfKeywords uint32, lock *sync.Mutex) *DataExtractionLLMInputChannelItem
dataExtractionNewLlmInputChannelItem creates a new llm input channel item.
- data: data.
- instructionSequenceWaitGroup: instruction sequence wait group.
- adapter: adapter.
- chatRequestType: chat request type.
- maxNumberOfKeywords: max number of keywords.
- lock: lock.
- llmInputChannelItem: llm input channel item.
type DataExtractionSplitterServiceRequest ¶
type DataExtractionSplitterServiceRequest struct { DocumentContent []byte `json:"document_content"` ChunkSize int `json:"chunk_size"` ChunkOverlap int `json:"chunk_overlap"` }
type DataExtractionSplitterServiceResponse ¶
type DataExtractionSplitterServiceResponse struct { Chunks []string `json:"chunks"` }
type queryInput ¶
queryInput represents the input for the query function.
type queryInput struct { CollectionName string `json:"collection_name" description:"Name of the collection to which the data objects will be added. Required for adding data." required:"true"` MaxRetrievalCount int `json:"max_retrieval_count" description:"Maximum number of results to be retrieved. If not specified, the default value is retrieve all database. If the number of results is too big for the database, the request will be cancelled. Optional." required:"false"` OutputFields []string `json:"output_fields" description:"Fields to be included in the output. If not specified all fields will be retrieved.Optional" required:"false"` Filters sharedtypes.DbFilters `json:"filters" description:"Filter for the query. At least one filter must be defined." required:"true"` }
type queryOutput ¶
queryOutput represents the output for the query function.
type queryOutput struct { QueryResult []sharedtypes.DbResponse `json:"queryResult" description:"Returns the results of the query."` }
type retrieveDependenciesInput ¶
retrieveDependenciesInput represents the input for the retrieveDependencies function.
type retrieveDependenciesInput struct { CollectionName string `json:"collection_name" description:"Name of the collection to which the data objects will be added. Required for adding data." required:"true"` RelationshipName string `json:"relationship_name" description:"Name of the relationship to retrieve dependencies for. Required for retrieving dependencies." required:"true"` RelationshipDirection string `json:"relationship_direction" description:"Direction of the relationship to retrieve dependencies for. It can be either 'in', 'out' or 'both'. Required for retrieving dependencies." required:"true"` SourceDocumentId string `json:"source_document_id" description:"Document ID of the source node. Required for retrieving dependencies." required:"true"` NodeTypesFilter sharedtypes.DbArrayFilter `json:"node_types_filter" description:"Filter based on node types. Use MilvusArrayFilter for specifying node type filtering criteria. Optional." required:"false"` DocumentTypesFilter []string `json:"document_types_filter" description:"Filter based on document types. Use MilvusArrayFilter for specifying document type filtering criteria. Optional." required:"false"` MaxHopsNumber int `json:"max_hops_number" description:"Maximum number of hops to traverse. Optional." required:"true"` }
type retrieveDependenciesOutput ¶
retrieveDependenciesOutput represents the output for the retrieveDependencies function.
type retrieveDependenciesOutput struct { Success bool `json:"success" description:"Returns true if the collections were listed successfully. Returns false or an error if not."` DependenciesIds []string `json:"dependencies_ids" description:"A list of document IDs that are dependencies of the specified source node."` }
type similarityElement ¶
similarityElement represents a single element in the similarity search result.
type similarityElement struct { Score float64 `json:"distance"` Data sharedtypes.DbResponse `json:"data"` }
type similaritySearchInput ¶
similaritySearchInput represents the input for the similarity search function.
type similaritySearchInput struct { CollectionName string `json:"collection_name" description:"Name of the collection to which the data objects will be added. Required for adding data." required:"true"` EmbeddedVector []float32 `json:"embedded_vector" description:"Embedded vector used for searching. Required for retrieval." required:"true"` MaxRetrievalCount int `json:"max_retrieval_count" description:"Maximum number of results to be retrieved. If it is not specified, the default value is milvus.MaxSearchRetrievalCount. Optional." required:"false"` OutputFields []string `json:"output_fields" description:"Fields to be included in the output. If not specified all fields will be retrieved.Optional" required:"false"` Filters sharedtypes.DbFilters `json:"filters" description:"Filter for the query. Optional." required:"false"` MinScore float64 `json:"min_score" description:"Filter objects with a score higher than the specified minimum. Optional." required:"false"` GetLeafNodes bool `json:"get_leaf_nodes" description:"Flag to indicate whether to retrieve all the leaf nodes in the result node branch. Set to true to include the leaf nodes. Optional." required:"false"` GetSiblings bool `json:"get_siblings" description:"Flag to indicate whether to retrieve the previous and next node to the result nodes. Set to true to include the siblings. Optional." required:"false"` GetParent bool `json:"get_parent" description:"Flag to indicate whether to retrieve the parent object. Set to true to include the parent object. Optional." required:"false"` GetChildren bool `json:"get_children" description:"Flag to indicate whether to retrieve the children objects. Set to true to include the children objects. Optional." required:"false"` }
type similaritySearchOutput ¶
similaritySearchOutput represents the output for the similarity search function.
type similaritySearchOutput struct { SimilarityResult []similarityElement `json:"similarity_result" description:"Similarity Result"` }
type summaryCounters ¶
summaryCounters represents the summary counters structure for the Neo4j query.
type summaryCounters struct { NodesCreated int `json:"nodes_created"` NodesDeleted int `json:"nodes_deleted"` RelationshipsCreated int `json:"relationships_created"` RelationshipsDeleted int `json:"relationships_deleted"` PropertiesSet int `json:"properties_set"` LabelsAdded int `json:"labels_added"` LabelsRemoved int `json:"labels_removed"` IndexesAdded int `json:"indexes_added"` IndexesRemoved int `json:"indexes_removed"` ConstraintsAdded int `json:"constraints_added"` ConstraintsRemoved int `json:"constraints_removed"` }