Allie Flowkit Python documentation 0.1.dev0#

The Allie Flowkit Python is a Python service that exposes features from Allie Flowkit to Python users. This documentation provides information on how to install and use the Allie Flowkit Python.

The Allie Flowkit Python offers these main features:

Getting started

Learn how to install the Allie Flowkit Python in user mode and quickly begin using it.

Getting started
User guide

Understand key concepts for implementing the Allie Flowkit Python in your workflow.

User guide
API reference

Understand how to use Python to interact programmatically with the Allie Flowkit Python.

The src.allie.flowkit library

Explore examples that show how to use the Allie Flowkit Python to perform many different types of operations.


Learn how to contribute to the Allie Flowkit Python codebase or documentation.
